Secrets to a Happy Marriage!

It is about one month until I become Mrs. Lattimer!! I cannot wait to marry my best friend. In honor of my upcoming wedding, I've asked some amazing women to give me some wedding advice. Thanks ladies, I enjoyed your responses! Cindy Moore- Married 28 Years "There are days you won't see eye to eye, there will be days you want to punch him in the eye, but at night when you look into his eyes and you tell him how much you love him and he replies you are the love of his life you know you have all you need for a long and happy life." Victoria Arlen- Married 28 Years "I don't know any secrets, but know that if you are committed to each other for the long haul, you can work through anything. Having a sense of humor plays a big part, too. Although you might not find humor in something for many, many years! Lol. I know it's worth it, and can see you two are very happy." ...