More than coffee!

I am sitting here all cozy on the recliner watching "Watch What Happens: Live" on Bravo. My 3 month old Basset-Hound/Border Collie mix puppy is sitting on the floor next to me, annoyingly attempting to chew on my computer cord. And now she is on the couch chewing on my red flowered pillows, even though two of her toys and her bone are sitting only a few feet away. It is 11:11 pm (make a wish!) and I have been browsing the Internet in my down time. My husband and children are sound asleep and I am nowhere near ready for bed. I'm such a night owl. Anyways, I found a very helpful site and I thought to myself, "How come I never thought of this before!? What a great idea". I am always looking for ways to organize my childrens' room and the cost of containers, shelves, etc. can really start to add up. This site has a great idea to use your old Folgers coffee cans! And they even have some labels already made up, all you have to do is print them. I am really loo...