My First Entry

8:44 AM- I am sitting in bed with a cup of coffee in my hand, waiting for my two little girls to wake up. I've been at it since 5:30 AM this morning. Don't ask me where I have gotten all this energy lately. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am not a morning person. I enjoy sleeping in (whenever motherhood allows me too). But, for some reason, I've been feeling like I just had a 5 hour energy shot before the sun even comes up (although, I still can't turn down the Starbucks cup of coffee, my fiance brewed for me before he left for work).  I guess I just can't shut my brain off. There are too many exciting events up ahead and a lot of planning to get done.

     For those of you who don't know, my amazing partner of almost 2 years , David Lattimer, proposed to me on Christmas Eve. After Christmas Eve mass, he took me to the front of our church, got on one knee, and asked me to be his wife. He is such a compassionate, loving man, and we have a beautiful little girl together (Eden).

    So, now the wedding planning begins and it is VERY overwhelming. We are planning for our wedding to be in November/December 2011. And of course, we are planning a destination wedding on a tropical beach. Dave and I wouldn't have it any other way.  We have been spending almost every spare moment, searching for a beautiful beach to get married on. Although we would like to stay in US territory, it looks as if our options are pointing towards going out of country. We are still in the midst of planning through our AAA agent. I will definitely let everyone know, as soon as we nail down a location. As for our honeymoon, we may either just stay longer at our wedding destination, or we are also throwing around the idea of touring Italy.

   Also, currently planning the 1st birthday party of our little Eden! She turns one on March 9th and her birthday party will be on March 12th. I am waiting on the invitiations to come in the mail, and then will send them out ASAP.

  So far, 2011 has been a very exciting year. Just less than two weeks ago, I was able to take a roadtrip with my older sister to see our younger sister at Duke University. It was an amazing weekend and we had some great sister bonding time. It is great to take advantage of times like that, when you are able too. Spending a whole weekend with my sisters, made me feel like a kid again. I think that was the first time we had all hung out that long, since we WERE children. Definitely have plans to keep an annual sister trip for the future years.

As for this coming weekend, Dave and I are getting our engagement photos taken. We are really excited about the theme. NaNa will be babysitting the girls, while we are getting them done. Looking forward to it!

That's all for now. I think I hear Eden jabbering. :)


A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must
love one another.

John 13:34               


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