Group Shoot in Bowling Green

         This past Saturday, I attended a group shoot in Bowling Green. There were three photographers, five models, and a jewelry designer. Models that attended ranged from having over four years experience to their very first photo shoot. It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed meeting the other models. The jewelry was stunning! Adikel Designs customized jewelry to match the three outfits I wore at the shoot. She has a great talent. Check out her website at: .
        I look forward to working with Randy Zalewski and Jason Miller again in the future.
Here is my first photo back from the shoot.

 And some behind the scenes photos:

The first photo shoot for 2012. Looking forward to the other shoots coming up!


  1. Very Beautiful! Wish we had these photo shoots in Italy, Imagine the amazing backgrounds!Hope all is well! :)
    -Nicole Calabrese


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