New York City for ONE MONTH!

For the month of July, my husband, two daughters and I "lived" in Manhattan. The month went by extremely fast! We kept very busy with all the fun and exciting things the city has to offer.
The main reason for staying in the city was for my entertainment career. I was very fortunate to take Saturday classes with the T. Schreiber Studio. Actors such as Edward Norton, Maria Bello, Peter Sarsgaard and others, all studied there.
I learned so much from my amazing teacher Pam Scott. I still contact her today with any questions I may have. We did repetition, cold reads, scenes, learning about and practicing the fourth wall and more. I definitely plan on taking more classes at the studio in the future.
I also had 3 different photo shoots while staying in Manhattan (Central Park, Brooklyn and Union Square). All three were really fun and great photographers.
Dave and I also were asked to be audience members for The Bill Cunningham Show. That was very interesting! We sat in the second row and look forward to it airing on the CW. We also saw Demi Lovato perform as part of the Good Morning America audience.
For my husband's birthday we went to Long Island and flew a plane! Dave flew, I rode in the back. It was so amazing, I've never been in a small plane before. Free concerts in Madison Square Park, window shopping on 5th Ave., seeing an off broadway comedy, eating at Ninja, having Dave's oldest daughters visit for a weekend, almost getting run over by rats lol, and walking about 50 blocks in one day. New York, I had never experienced you like I did this summer. You feel like home now, and while I am back in Ohio I will be yearning to come back home to you (which I was able to do two weeks later for the show Smash!). My husband said he is homesick for you as well.
Till we meet again,


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