Golden Streams

Ahh, the joys of potty training. My two year old wore her first pair of underwear the other day! I started out only letting her wear them for a couple hours to avoid accidents.
On top of potty training our two year old, my husband and I adopted a puppy from the shelter. She is a 3 month old border collie and basset hound mix. I just can't seem to quit filling my plate with more and more responsibilities, haha. The first half hour we had her home, she peed about five times on the carpet. It has been a couple days now and only a few accidents.
Well, yesterday was going great! Our two year old woke up, put on her panties and wore them all day! She ran to me to let me know when she had to go to the "pot". And our puppy, Panda, didn't have one accident! I took her outside about every half hour to hour though. I couldn't believe how smooth things were going. I texted back and forth with my husband to tell him how well the potty training was going!! I spoke too soon..My oldest daughter gets home from school, I'm on the phone with my husband, I turn around and the puppy is peeing in the middle of the carpet. The girls are yelling and running around the house. I had JUST got done taking Panda outside. So, I get off the phone and take her BACK outside, then put her in her cage. Not two seconds after I come inside, my oldest comes downstairs screaming "Eden peed on the floor!!" Ughhhh. You got to be kidding me..
I run upstairs to see a soaked Eden standing in a puddle. After cleaning up my daughter, I put a diaper back on her and spent the rest of the night pee-free. I was running around the house like a crazy person cleaning up spot after spot. Haha.
So much for a accident free day. Lol hopefully today will be more successful!


  1. UPDATE!!: My daughter is officially potty trained now! Hooray! She uses the toliet all by herself and wears underwear full time. So excited :)


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